Want to prolong the duration of a seasonal spring or stream? Ready to solve collapsing banks or other erosion issues but unsure where to start? Interested in rewilding farmland or repurposing property into a more natural state? A consultation will let you ask questions and develop a plan.
Create forest features on your property using advanced ecosystem planning. Plant the right things in the right place at the right time. This plan will provide a healthy ecosystem in a few years and set the stage for the next 100 years.
Amending water courses or creating seasonal wetlands using simple, natural methods. Proactively fight drought and jump start the water cycle.
Seasonal flooding is how cottonwoods and willows have evolved to thrive and spread. Natural Improvement Service is working with nature to establish fast-growing, healthy groves. Building artificial beaver ponds quickly establishes riparian trees on small waterways and springs. In a few short years, I can provide a beaver-ready habitat complete with an abundance of food and a starter dam.
Planting quick-rooting varieties of willow and poplar with a rigid net of roots to retain soils and safe guard banks from further erosion. As these trees and shrubs mature, you can expect many positive effects such as improved water temperature, water retention and filtration, land/livestock windbreak, and wildlife habitat.
Stream bed components can be rearranged and material such as logs and rocks added to diffuse or redirect current into a more desirable functionality.